"Learn the EXACT Method I used to inject my business with $26,732 in just 90 days"

Part time, from home, with a newborn...Without an email list, big audience or expensive ads!

STOP spending weeks, hours and precious moments stuck in analysis paralysis and START building your empire!

June 13 1PM EST | 10Am PST

as seen on...

In This Masterclass Learn My Proven Techniques To...

Draw people to you with the part of your story that can't be ignored!

Leverage the larger audiences of others and capture leads from their markets!

Charge higher prices like the BOSS you are!


Get authority, celebrity and expert status and generate higher ticket sales!

Sales Professional

Use your new book as a lead magnet and your course as an additional stream of income!


Get on more stages to share your message and charge what you are worth!


Melissa Mansfield-Anderson

Melissa has over 25 years in Marketing, Advertising and Sales. She has been an award winning sales professional, trainer and sales manager in media and financial services for two of the largest Fortune 500 companies. Melissa has been writing and creating high level content for the past 10 years and publishing books for the past 5. She has helped 34 women reach the dream of becoming BEST SELLING AUTHORS!

Melissa is a 2x International Best Selling Author, National Speaker and Tech Genius.

Melissa is passionate about her kids, coffee, peanut butter, dogs, writing, sleeping, empowering all who suffer inequities and all forms of glitter (except yellow).

Quickly Get In Front Of A Bigger Audience

Get on more stages, podcasts, expert panels and more with your new powerful book

Confidently Charge What You're Worth

Claim the Authority, Celebrity and Expert Status of becoming an author and finally push your pricing where it belongs

Discover How To Become an Amazon Best-Seller

Discover what I do for my clients that has me at a 100% best seller success rate

Stop worrying How to Boost Business Growth

ONE BOOK turns to MULTIPLE increased streams of income

Quickly Get In Front Of A Bigger Audience

Confidently Charge What You're Worth

Create multiple income streams from ONE product

Stop worrying How to Boost Business Growth



The world is changing dramatically every minute. There has never been a better time to take action for change in your business, for your customers, to multiply your income and impact.
Those that don’t shift will be left behind.
Now is the time to make your move so you can show up as the LEADER you are and were meant to be!

1. What will I learn in The 5 Figure Cash Injection Method Masterclass?

You are going to learn the exact proven process Melissa used to kick start her entire empire. You are going to learn about writing a best seller and then becoming the star of your own stage...and how to get paid for ALL of it!

2. I missed the live / joined late, can someone fill me in?

In heart surgery, home construction, and this challenge...there are no shortcuts, and thank goodness for that. A replay will be in the FB group under Media for a short time. The only way to catch up is to be a VIP, then you have access to all replays

3. How do I get the VIP Zoom link?

If you are VIP you will have received an email with the link to join us live on Zoom.

If you cannot find the link you can email our Customer Concierge at:


If you are not currently VIP but would like to upgrade, Be A VIP.

4. Where do I ask questions?

Got a question? Just another sign of what a smart cookie you are. 

First, check out all the questions here in the Frequently Asked Questions. If your question is not answered here, then post inside the Facebook group.

5. I'm not good enough for this, I don’t have enough followers, I’m not a big enough name, there's no way I'll make 5 figures with just one product.

Never fear. You don't need any writing experience. You don't have to have a superhero story to make a difference. You don't need to be in business for years before you can charge high ticket. You don't need lots of fancy education and certifications (but if you do, congratulations, we know that took work).

Remember you have something no one else does.....YOU.

6. What if I've paid (VIP) and I cannot attend ?

We understand that sometimes life happens and you won’t be able to show up live. You will be sent a replay link after the class.

6. Someone Dm’d me and asked to do work for me...that feels wrong.

It is wrong, and like our mommas and TSA say…if you see something, say something. Solicitation, self-promotion, outside link sharing, and private messaging are strictly prohibited. If you see something or are messaged privately, please report the incident immediately to marc@mansfieldanderson.com and we will deal with the issue swiftly. This group is for the betterment of all and we intend to keep it that way.